Library of Wales titles available as Kindle ebooks

Recent ebooks


Parthian have been developing an ebook list since 2010. We are currently converting front list titles, and select titles from our backlist including titles from the Library of Wales series. 

It's not possible to buy ebooks direct from the Library of Wales or Parthian websites, but Kindle and epub files can be easily located online from a variety of retailers, including Amazon, Waterstones, Gwales, Apple, and many others.


These are the Library of Wales titles we currently offer as ebooks:


The Volunteers - Raymond Williams

Goodbye, Twentieth Century - Dannie Abse

All Things Betray thee - Gwyn Thomas

Turf or Stone - Margiad Evans

Make Room for the Jester - Stead Jones

The Long Revolution - Raymond Williams

The Hill of Dreams - Arthur Machen

The Great God Pan - Arthur Machen

Dai Country - Alun Richards

The Battle of the Weak - Hilda Vaughan

Black Parade - Jack Jones


Click here to buy these titles via Amazon's Kindle Store.


We also offer Almanac - A Yearbook of Welsh Writing in English in ebook:


'Setting a new agenda and a new standard for literary criticism in Wales.' - Professor Dafydd Johnston


Click here to buy these titles via Amazon's Kindle Store.



Fancy having a go at reviewing an ebook? Email a 100-500 word review of a Parthian ebook to The best reviews will be selected for display on the Parthian or Library of Wales websites and one review per month will be chosen to win free copies of our recent print titles!


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