Wales Book of the Year Award Nominee #2: Meic Stephens

We are delighted to announce that three of Parthian's recently published authors - Tyler Keevil, Jemma L. King and Meic Stephens - have been nominated for the prestigious Wales Books of the Year award, and will be hoping to follow in the footsteps of previous Parthian winners John Harrison (in 2013 and 2011) and Deborah Kay Davies (in 2009).

Jemma and Tyler will be attending and reading at the Parthian Rarebit event at Hay Festival on Monday 26 May 2014, 8.30pm as part of Parthian's 21st birthday bash. Be sure to purchase tickets here so that you can come down and congratulate them in person!



Nominee #2: Meic Stephens (for Rhys Davies: A Writer's Life [Parthian, 2013]; in the Creative Non-Fiction catagory)

Story: 'The Elusive Hare' (Taken from Rhys Davies: A Writer's Life, 2013)



Meic Stephens was born in 1938 in Trefforest, near Pontypridd. A former journalist with the Western Mail, Meic Stephens founded the magazine Poetry Wales in 1965 and was its editor for eight years. From 1967 to 1990 he was the Literature Director of the Welsh Arts Council. He joined the University of Glamorgan in 1994 and was given a chair as Professor of Welsh Writing in English in 2000. He is the author, editor and translator of a number of anthologies, including The New Companion to the Literature of Wales and the Writers of Wales series. He is a Fellow and the only Life Member of the Academi.
Meic published a Cardiff based novel, Yeah Dai Dando in autumn 2008, and a second novel, A Bard for Highgrove: A Likely Story appeared in 2010.


You can download the story in PDF format here. (If download does not start, then right click the link and select 'Save link as'.)


Selected bibliography

Poetry 1900-2000 (Library of Wales, 2007)

Rhys Davies: A Writer's Life (Parthian, 2013)


Contributed to

A White Afternoon: New Welsh Short Fiction (translator) (Parthian, 1998)

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