Library of Wales enewsletter: January 2013

Jon Gower continues his Library of Wales Reading Challenge: In the Green Tree
"There cannot be a Library of Wales volume more laden with poignancy. With that terrible hindsight that comes with knowledge of his early death, pretty much everything the Cwmaman born poet and writer Alun Lewis penned is tinged with shadow, the sure knowledge that his writerly promise will be expunged. Death hangs like a tropical musk in this green tree. It came with a close-range shot to Lewis’s head, during the Burma campaign against the Japanese, the fateful revolver by his side. What seemed like suicide was deemed to be an accident, a military tribunal deciding the man had tripped. We shall never know the truth but reading the missives and tales is an act akin to reading Sylvia Plath’s fatidic poems, the lines seemingly seeping gas, or the late and final poems of mid Walian T Harri Jones, who hints at death by drowning, just before he drowns in the sea off New South Wales."
New Titles Available on Ebook: 'Country Dance' & 'Autobiography of a Super-tramp'
For January 2013 Margiad Evan's Country Dance and - new and digital-first for 2013 - W.H.Davies' Autobiography of a Super-tramp join a lengthening list of Library of Wales titles now converted to ebook formats.
Parthian have been developing an ebook list since 2010. We are currently converting front list titles, and select titles from our backlist including titles from the Library of Wales series.
It's not possible to buy ebooks direct from the Library of Wales or Parthian websites, but Kindle and epub files can be easily located online from a variety of retailers, including Amazon, Waterstones, Gwales, Apple, and many others.
Other Library of Wales titles we currently offer as ebooks include:
The Volunteers - Raymond Williams
Goodbye, Twentieth Century - Dannie Abse
All Things Betray thee - Gwyn Thomas
Turf or Stone - Margiad Evans
Make Room for the Jester - Stead Jones
The Long Revolution - Raymond Williams
The Hill of Dreams - Arthur Machen
The Great God Pan - Arthur Machen
Dai Country - Alun Richards
The Battle of the Weak - Hilda Vaughan
Black Parade - Jack Jones
Click here to buy these titles via Amazon's Kindle Store.
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We also offer Almanac - A Yearbook of Welsh Writing in English in ebook:
'Setting a new agenda and a new standard for literary criticism in Wales.' - Professor Dafydd Johnston
Click here to buy these titles via Amazon's Kindle Store.
Click here to buy these titles via
Fancy having a go at reviewing an ebook? Email a 100-500 word review of a Parthian ebook to The best reviews will be selected for display on the Parthian or Library of Wales websites and one review per month will be chosen to win free copies of our recent print titles!
New for 2013: Preview our Forthcoming Titles

Jon Gower's Reading Challenge continues with Home to an Empty House by Alun Richards
The novelist and screenwriter Alun Richards from Pontypridd was a consummate producer of fine sentences, which in turn powered and coloured half a dozen novels, two cracking collections of short stories, along with stage plays, screenplays and TV series, including The Onedin Line, which took many viewers grippingly out to sea. In real life Richards wove his fine sentences into expansive, heart conversations, fuelled by great bonhomie and perhaps an early afternoon cocktail, stirred not shaken, the Mumbles way.
Home to an Empty House, first published in 1973, is a little belter of a novel, with many, many of those trademark Richards’ lines, which are often side-splittingly funny and oftentimes deliciously scabrous. I can’t remember laughing so much in aeons.
Tis the season...
Our Library of Wales December enewsletter is out now:
Season's Greetings to you all. Have a lovely festive holiday.
Support our publishing industry: buy one literary mag or book produced in Wales this Christmas

Library of Wales on the BBC's Sunday Politics Wales

A call has been made for a scheme which republishes classic Welsh books that have gone out of print to continue to receive public funding.Wales Book of the Year winner Jon Gowerbacks the Library of Wales series, which has sold 50,000 copies since it was launched in 2006.[...]In total, 34 books have been published through the scheme, and Mr Gower said he was in the process of reading every one.“In a Wales which has problems with literacy, having good books and encouragement to read such books is a good thing”"We look after castles and museums look after artefacts. Books are dead artefacts unless they're read," Gower told the Sunday Politics Wales programme."In a Wales which has problems with literacy, having good books and encouragement to read such books is a good thing."
50,000 Sales for Out of Print Welsh Classics
A Welsh Government project, the Library of Wales, created to ensure that Wales’ literary heritage written in English was made available to modern audiences, has reached its 50,000th sale.
Library of Wales enewsletter: November 2012